Mission Interests

Part of our vision is ‘to make Christ known’. Some of the work we support does this overtly by teaching about Jesus, whilst other aspects of it are about showing care and compassion to others in Swindon and further afield.

The Filling Station - The first Sunday of each month donations of money are received

The Filling Station was started in 1988 and since then it has been providing hot soup and hot dogs, sandwiches etc to homeless people on a Thursday evening in the town centre from the back of a van and now a gazebo too! 

Toothill Church has supported the Filling Station as the harvest charity for many years, and by donating money on the first Sunday of every month. The Filling Station have issued an appeal for more support, as they are only getting about a quarter of what they need.

There is a basket at the rear of the church on the first Sunday of the month for anyone to contribute gifts to the Filling Station.

Water Aid - Buckets of Pennies appealWater Aid 2025

We regularly collect small change during Lent to supply clean drinking water and sanitation to those in need and these are collected on Easter Sunday.

Tithe giving

5% of our income goes to Glona Health Care

Giving also to Night Shelter, Womens Refuge, Action for Children

Advent and Christmas offerings 2024

Every year our giving for the Christmas services goes to charity and this year’s charities will be;

Action for Children and the Womens Refuge (To Be decided)

and the Filling Station as normal on the first Sunday of the month as usual. (To be decided)


Upcoming Events

Thursday 20th February
9:00am - 12:00pm -
12:00pm - 2:30pm -
7:30pm - 9:30pm -
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